Central Bark Dog Daycare

Barking Good Fun!!!

A Dog’s Day Out!!!

Central Bark Dog Daycare is a supervised leash- and cage-free indoor and outdoor centre for dogs of all ages, breeds and sizes, where they socialise and spend the day with temperament-tested playmates. All dogs allowed to attend Central Bark have been assessed as part of our enrolment process and are only admitted after passing a well-tried and trusted Sociability Assessment test (SAT – See Enrolment).

The dogs are given plenty of mental and physical stimulation, social enrichment and good old exercise in a controlled and safely monitored environment. Each pen is continually supervised by an experienced and trained staff member to ensure that play is both stimulating, enjoyable and safe for all the dogs, at all times.

We provide a variety of safe toys and play equipment, as well as social games for our canine clients. Structured gameplay takes a nurturing approach for developing attentiveness and awareness to reinforce social discipline and temperamental balance. As you know, dogs love to play but they also love to learn in the right setting with suitable activities and reward.

There is also plenty of free unstructured time when dogs are free to initiate play with their doggy pals, do their own thing or even take a nap on one of our many comfy beds.

Check out Central Bark’s Facilities for more information.

Whether you need your dog to simply burn off excess energy, or learn to be more balanced so you avoid anti-social and/or destructive behaviour at home, or have some fun, stimulating company during the day then Central Bark Dog Daycare is the perfect solution for you and your furbaby!!

We’d love to hear from you and would be happy to show you around, so feel free to give us a call or drop us a message if you want to know more.